Monday, May 15, 2006

Finally, I agree with Dubya!

It's taken over 5 years, but I finally agree with Dubya on an issue. It seems that a German weekly publication was conducting an interview of current and former US Presidents about their experiences in the highest office. One of the standard questions they asked was about each presidents' best moment in office. Jimmy Carter said that it was the Camp David Accords peace agreement. President Clinton mentioned ending the war in Kosovo. Dubya?

"I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound perch in my lake."

I completely agree! Honestly, can anyone think of anything that tops that monumentous catch? I can't. It seems that he finally got one right, and I could not agree with him more.


Anonymous said...

Did he really say that? Did he understand the question? I am at a loss for words...

Kyle said...

Yeah, he's a tool. That made me laugh. Thanks.

Kyle said...

Yeah, he's a tool. That made me laugh. Thanks.

Kyle said...

I thought it deserved two. Peace.