Friday, March 31, 2006

Regan in pigtails

You asked for it, and so here it is. (Actually, I think Kyle's the only one, but I'm sure others are interested.) Regan has been coming home in pigtails a lot lately. Someone at the babysitter's likes to do it, and I can see why. ISN'T SHE ADORABLE?!?!

It was very warm today -- in the 60s. A big storm came through as we were getting home. We decided to watch from the front porch and took some pictures (We LOVE our front porch for this and other reasons.) Check out a few of the other pictures at my Flickr site.


Annamarie said...

She is totally adorable!

Great photo.

best regards,

Mary Lou said...

What an adorable child...I wonder who her grandmother is?? Love the pigtails.

Mama Lou

Kyle said...

Amanda and I are enjoying these. Keep them coming.

Nellie said...

Your children are adorable!