Saturday, August 11, 2007


Okay, so I guess it's pretty obvious that I only write on my blog when I have nothing better to do. Well, I guess that might start to happen more often now. I have recently started working the night shift on weekends at a local hotel. It's mainly just for some extra money, and since I usually work the overnight shift, it's easy, and I'm still around to see my family.

So that is where I am now. I would usually have a book or something to pass the time on nights like this (virtually all of the regular work is done, and almost all of the guests are checked in), but I decided not to bring the book tonight. So here I am, posting on the blog that surely gets lonely in between visits and posts, but that's surely to change now.

Anyway, for a while now, I've been meaning to blog about For those who don't know, twitter is kind of like a blog with ADHD. It's just short snippets of information about what the blogger is currently up to or thinking about. It's very easy to follow the posts of others via SMS, IM, or RSS. The best part is that there are numerous methods that you can update it, like through the web, widgets, IM, or SMS. I also like the fact that there's no need to go into great detail; just type the brief thought and move on. If you want to check out my twitter, go to

Also, I've begun tracking my music listening habits on The best thing about that site is that it requires no effort on my part. It automatically updates as I listen to music either through iTunes or with my iPod. You can check out my page here.


Mary Lou said...

Sorry I had to delete my first try, it had mistakes.

Staying up all night long at a desk in a hotel isn't my idea of a fun evening. I hope that you accomplish what you want with this job. I assume this is to help with child care. Papa worked shift work and one of the shifts was "graveyard". Then when he was home, he would sleep all day long . We kids had to be very quiet while Daddy was asleep.
Do your kids do that? Do they let you sleep because you were up all night long at work?

Jason said...

Actually, I've only worked the "graveyard" shift once, but I LOVED it, and I found that it's best to only sleep until noon on those days. It's only about 4.5 hours sleep, but it helps me get my body clock reset faster that night.

Also, I'm a fairly heavy sleeper, so they don't have to be too quiet; just stay out of my bedroom until I get up. It really hasn't been that bad so far. In fact, I'm looking forward to working more 11-7 shifts because they are easy, I miss a minimal amount of time with my family, and I recover easily. The day shifts involve more work and force me to miss more time with the kids, neither of which I like.

I think the primary difference between Papa and myself is that his "graveyard" shift probably involved more heavy-duty, physically-exhausting work than my job involves. I would also guess that his shift was longer than 8 hours. So I can understand that being more difficult for him than this is for me.

Kyle said...

So, when do you see clients and work at the clinic?

Jason said...

I see clients during the week. I only work this job 2-3 shifts a week on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, or occasionally the Thursday overnight shift. I get my clinical work in on Monday through Thursdays and sometimes Fridays.