Tuesday, September 27, 2005

[Passions Take Many Forms] Song tag

Thanks, Kyle. Here you are. It gave me an excuse to post on this blog, which has really been neglected lately.

Five songs I'm currently into (no particular order):

1.      "The Advantages of Floating in the Middle of the Sea" and other songs from Sondheim's Pacific Overtures (Broadway OCR, but I'm considering getting the Broadway Revival recording)

2.      Christopher O'Riley's cover of Radiohead's "Paranoid Android" (and most of the rest of the album Hold Me to This)

3.      I. "Gandalf" ("The Wizard") from the Lord of the Rings Symphony (no relation to the recent movies) by composer Johan de Meij and performed by the Dutch Royal Military Band

4.      III. "Gollum" ("Smeagol") from same as #3

5.      "Queen Bitch" by David Bowie from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou movie soundtrack

I'm also listening to a lot of Beck and Radiohead in general. I've also gotten into listening to Podcasts, but that's a whole other game of tag.

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