Monday, May 23, 2005

Energy in marriage

My brother got married a week ago Saturday to a great woman. I had the privilege and honor to conduct the ceremony, and I had a good time doing it. One point that I wanted to get across to in the ceremony (not that they were listening; who actually pays attention during their own wedding?) was that marriage doesn't just happen. It takes energy and effort to make a marriage work. We can't let down for a moment, because our partner will remember that moment over all others. Energy is what we say and do with our partner. It's the big things (going on dates together regularly throughout marriage), and it's the little things (apologizing for an argument even when you know you were right all along). Marriage is one of the most difficult "natural" things in life, but energy is the key to its success. As long as Amy and Ryan consciously infuse their relationship with energy by working together and avoid taking energy away by being selfish, their marriage should last a very long time.

Amy and Ryan Martin

Congratulations and good luck, guys!

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